Saturday, February 27, 2010

The King and The Queen

The King and The Queen

Once there was a king named HariChand in India. “King HariChand had a queen with beautiful eyes, Tara, who had made his home the abode of comforts” (Gurdas Ji’s Vaars, 10:6). She was a devotee of God and she knew the purpose of life. As it written in Guru Granth Sahib, “This human body has been given to you. This is your chance to meet God. All other works are useless. Join the holy congregation and meditate on the Name of God” (Guru Granth Sahib, 12). Every night the queen would go to the place where holy congregation was held to meditate on God. “She would join the holy congregation at night and would spend the whole night by hearing the holy hymns. After she had left, the King awoke in the middle of the night and realized she had gone. He could not find the Queen anywhere and his heart filled with astonishment” (Gurdas Ji’s Vaar 10:6). The King thought that Tara might be cheating on him not realizing that Tara goes to worship and meditates on God. “The following night he followed the young queen. The queen reached the holy congregation and the king lifted one of her sandals to prove her infidelity” (Gurdas Ji’s Vaar 10:6). The king waited outside the place where the congregation was being held. Queen came outside after meditating on God. “Because she had meditated on God in the holy congregation the single sandal became a pair. The king was astonished and realized that her matching sandal was a miracle” (Gurdas Ji’s Vaar 10:6). The matching sandal was a result of the miracle performed by God to protect His devotee.


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