Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ajamal History Teach US...


Dharma overcomes karma, if we do not have dharma then we are following our karma. What is dharama? It is Naam, Vaheguru, like you've stated; God's name is the True Dharma (Religion), that is why Bhagat Kabeer Ji wasn't really recognised as being part of any of the religions Islam or Hinduism. All he did was Jap Naam. Only God's name has the power to save us, as it can destroy the five demons, control the mind and erase all of our sins from our previous lives.

A brahmin named ajamal, whose name has been mentioned in gurbani a few times. His story did not occur in this age, kaljug, but in another one before this one.

Ajamal was born to a Raaj Purohit and a high caste within already high caste of Hindus i.e. Brahmins. Raaj Purohit means the main pujaari of a kingdom. A Raaj Purohit is like the head priest of a kingdom and the kings refer to their raaj purohits for any questions on religion.

Ajamal was brought up in a very religious atmosphere and was provided with Sanskrit education from early age. By the time he reached the age of maturity, he became well-versed in all 4 Vedas, 18 Puraanas and other important religious books of those times. His father was a man of high probity and integrity. He used to admonish him against doing paap karams (sins). He further told him to never go in the southern part of the city because that part of the city was full of scoundrels and prostitutes. Innocent Ajaamal who had not been exposed to any evil in his life felt his curiosity getting aroused at the mention of the Southern part of the city but he continued abstain from going that route.

He got married to a beautiful and good-hearted woman. They had a couple of children and led an uneventful life till his father died. He was then appointed to the post of Raaj Purohit. His life continued in normal fashion until that fateful day when he had to go to the southern part of the city. It was probably his destiny to go to that part of the city.

He was on horseback and as he approached the inner city, he came off his horse and parked it by the tree. He started walking on foot and reached that part of the city where there are brothels and pubs. He had never been exposed to such scenes. There were women standing outside the brothels luring customers in. He was taken aback at such open display of Kaam (sex).

Then one woman, who knew all the chalitters (wiles of seduction), looked at Ajamal with such a look that Ajamal got stuck right there. His feet won't move any further. Then she without speaking, just with a hand gesture, asked him to follow her. She was a young and promiscuous woman in her early twenties. He resisted but could not resist for too long. Finally he gave in to the temptation and started walking behind her.

That day changed his life forever. He became a regular visitor to this Ganika (prostitute, bad woman). Soon others found out about his double life. His wife pleaded with him to stop seeing the prostitute but he would not listen. Everyone was wondering why he could not leave this prostitute and what wrong did he see in his beautiful, homely and good-natured wife.

When the king found out, he was quite upset at Ajamal but wanted to give him a second chance out of his respect for Ajamal's father. He tried to persuade Ajamal but soon found out that Ajamal was not going to stop seeing the new woman. Ajamal was spending his money very recklessly and in order to protect his legitimate children and wife, the king decided to banish him from his kingdom. He confiscated all his property and gave it to his wife and children. Thereafter he banished Ajamal and the prostitute from his kingdom.

Great calamities befell on both Ajamal and the prostitute. They moved out of the kingdom and starting leading a very destitute life. Ajamal was left with no money, and now had to work very hard to earn his living. He used to cut wood from jungle all day and sell it in the city. He started gambling, drinking and doing other bad things. He and his mistress used to fight endlessly and had a lot of children together.

The poverty took its toll on Ajamal and he became old before his age. He got infected with many diseases and suffered a lot. He and his mistress had several children together. Ajamal had to work very hard to feed his new family. When Ajamal hit old-age, his body became very weak but he had to work to feed his family. He sometimes used to regret his decision but it was too late to go back now. He knew that no one would accept him back.

Anyway, later in his life he had a son and the day his son was born, some saadhu jan (holy men) came to his house to seek refuge from bad weather. Ajaamal out of his good karma, did sewa of those Sadhoos. The Saadhoos had ridhi-sidhi and sensed that Ajamal had led a very terrible life and that in the next world he would suffer badly in the hands of Jammdoots.

Before leaving they had mercy on Ajamal. They noticed that Ajamal was totally entangled in the attachment of his family and because of his bad karma, he could not do any bhagti. They knew that if he did not do bhagtee i.e. Naam jaap, he would suffer in the hands of Jammdoots. They finally came up with an idea. They told him to name his latest born son "Narayan". Obeying what the saadhoo said, Ajamal named his son - Narayan. We should remember that Narayan is one of the qualitative names of God.

Ajamal became very fond of his son and lovingly called him "Naraayan Naraayan" all day. By this time, his diseases overpowered him and he lay at deathbed. As he lay in his bed, waiting for death, he still had moh for his youngest son and kept calling him lovingly "Naraayan, Naraayan". Saying "Naraayan" seemed very good to him and said more and more of "Naraayan". He felt good saying "Narayan Narayan".

When his death time came close, Jammdoots started visiting him and he could see them approaching him. The sight of Jammdoots greatly terrified him and out of fear, he called his son Narayan by name. He kept saying help me Narayan, save me Narayan. As the Jammdoots approached him, they realized that they could not reach him as he was saying God's naam (kirtam naam, not satnaam i.e. Vaheguru).

Jammdoots could not get close to him but his end was fast approaching. Ajamal just kept calling his son Narayan and jammdoots totally became helpless. By this time the good angels (devtay) came to get Ajamal. The Jammdoots and the angels started having debate on who was to take him to the next world. This debate is highly interesting and is written in great detail in Sri Madd Bhagwat Puraa.

Anyway, the angels reminded the Jammdoots that whoever does kirtan or recites Naam, jammdoots are not allowed to catch them. The Jammdoots went back to Dharam Rai, their master and Dharam Rai confirmed that whoever does kirtan or Naam, Jammdoots are not allowed to get near them. This dialogue of Dharam Rai is recorded in Gurbani as follows:

(O Jamm doots, where ever the Saadhoos of Gobind-Vaheguru do kirtan (singing praise) or bhajan (meditation on Naam) of Vaheguru, never ever go close to that place. If you violate this, then neither you nor me would be spared of the punishment)

In the end jammdoots could not reach him and he was taken to the next world by devtaas (good angels of heaven).

Gurbani says this very clearly that whoever says name of Vaheguru in the last moments of his or her life, does not go to jammdoots. So Ajaamal, who was maha-paapi, went to heaven (heaven is much lower than Sachkhand) instead of going to hell, as he would have if he was not reciting his God's name.

If kirtam naam (qualitative naams that describe one or more qualities of Vaheguru) can have so much affect, imagine how great and powerful the true Naam that Guru Nanak Dev jee has brought to this world would have. Let us learn from this saakhi and make naam integral part of our life as breathing is.

Here are some of the pankitis from Gurbani that allude to Ajaamal's story:

(The great sinner Ajaamal, whom was notorious in the whole world, was delivered by Vaheguru in one instance)

(Ajaamal, the elephant and Ganika did many bad karma but by taking Naam, they swam across this ocean of world)

(Ajaamal realised the Naam the greatness of Naam in his last moments. He received such honour in few moments that great Yogis attained in many years of penance)

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